Waterfront Navigator
New York City's one-stop permit planner for businesses and developers seeking environmental permits for waterfront construction.
Streamlining the Process
Waterfront Navigator is a one-stop permitting information center for waterfront developers, providing a centralized source of information to help streamline the process of obtaining state and federal permits. Businesses doing construction, repairs, and maintenance along New York City’s waterfront face a confusing permitting process that requires the approval of multiple City, State, and federal agencies.
Waterfront Navigator
Expedite your waterfront construction project.
Get Started
Get the permits you need
Reduce regulatory review times
Information around regulation steps, milestones, timeframes, and decision-making
We welcome your comments and suggestions about how we can improve future versions of the Waterfront Navigator.

To access up-to-date info, maps, and reports on the NYC waterfront, explore the Waterfront Facilities Maintenance Management System.
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