NYC Ferry riders since the launch in 2017
Launched in 2017, NYC Ferry makes travel between the city's waterfront communities a breeze. Spanning all five boroughs, NYC Ferry has enabled millions of New Yorkers to reduce their commute times and enjoy greater access to the city's waterfronts.
With 25 landings across 70 nautical route miles, NYC Ferry provides New Yorkers and visitors alike with a convenient and affordable transit option that connects communities to jobs, recreation, and each other.
NYC Ferry riders since the launch in 2017
NYCEDC has taken the lead on building new ferry landings, renovating existing landings, and managing the contract with the operator.
At the direction of Mayor Eric Adams, NYC Ferry and NYCEDC have developed new strategies for improving the system, building on successes, and incorporating lessons from the past five years of operations.
Building on successes, improving the system for all New Yorkers.
Expanded discount program
Free trip vouchers and expanded outreach at NYCHA
New revenue generation to improve equity and financial sustainability
Increased public engagement and transparency
NYCEDC reports all required financial information in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in its annual audited financial statements, including expenses incurred by and assets owned by NYCEDC in connection with NYC Ferry. You can find information about NYC Ferry's operating, capital, and other costs here.
NYC Ferry in Photos
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