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In 2014, Amtrak approached the City of New York to develop a long-term plan for a future overbuild on Sunnyside Yard.

The Yard, which serves Amtrak, LIRR, and New Jersey Transit, is one of the busiest passenger rail facilities in North America and a critical piece of national rail infrastructure. In 2014, Amtrak completed a once-in-a-century plan to upgrade Sunnyside Yard, creating a unique and time-sensitive opportunity to envision extending neighborhoods over the Yard.

To craft the vision for the plan, we conducted an extensive public outreach effort, consisting of:

  • Hundreds of conversations in interviews, workshops, and meetings
  • Group discussions with over 145 local organizations
  • Neighborhood tours and information sessions
  • Three public meetings
  • Four public workshops
  • Quarterly Steering Committee meetings
  • A digital townhall
  • Hundreds of written comments and feedback 

Informed by the voices of Queens, the Sunnyside Yard Master Planning Process identified six pressing needs. The priorities below respond to these needs and form the backbone of the Sunnyside Yard Master Plan, which was released on March 3, 2020, after 18 months of public engagement and analysis.

  • Public space and social infrastructure
  • Improved transportation
  • Affordable housing
  • Jobs, schools and workforce development
  • Sustainability and resilience
  • Keeping it Queens
A group of people at a Sunnyside Yard Meeting, sitting around a table engaged in a discussion. They are looking at various papers and images spread across the table in a well-lit room. One person is speaking animatedly while others listen and smile.

Sunnyside Yard Master Plan

Creating a new vision for Sunnyside Yard in Queens, led by a diverse team of community leaders, technical experts, elected officials, and public agencies.

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Sunnyside Yard Highlights

By The Numbers


Acres of new public open space

By The Numbers


Affordable homes

By The Numbers


Construction-industry jobs

By The Numbers


Permanent new jobs

By The Numbers



By The Numbers


New child/healthcare centers

Key Documents

Download key documents related to the Sunnyside Yard Master Planning Process. View presentations, event recaps, project overviews, and more. 

Sunnyside Yard Master Plan - Executive Summary

Executive Summary - English | Arabic | Bengali | Spanish | Korean | Chinese

Sunnyside Yard Master Plan

Master Plan Handbook
Appendix A.1 - Below Deck Infrastructure Matrix
Appendix A.2 - Proposed Changes to Amtrak Yard
Appendix A.3 - Design Process & Methodology
Appendix A.4 - Mid-Day Storage Yard Analysis
Appendix A.5 - Deck Coverage Evaluation
Appendix A.6 - Conceptual Deck Design
Appendix A.7 - Potential Early Investments
Transportation Appendix

Sunnyside Yard Master Plan Digital Town Hall - 12/4/19

Webinar Recording - English | Spanish | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | Korean

Third Public Meeting of the Sunnyside Yard Master Planning Process - 9/16/19

Draft Plan Overview Presentation
Walkthrough Gallery Boards - English | Spanish | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | Korean

Sunnyside Yard Public Workshop: Transportation - 5/1/19

Event Summary
Mobility Game Cards

Sunnyside Yard Public Workshop: Sustainability - 4/30/19

Event Summary

Sunnyside Yard Public Workshop: Open Space - 4/9/19

Event Summary

Sunnyside Yard Public Workshop: Urban Design - 4/8/19

Event Summary

Second Public Meeting of the Sunnyside Yard Master Planning Process - 3/26/19

Opening Presentation
Urban Design Breakout Session
Open Space Breakout Session
Transportation Breakout Session
Meeting Summary - English | Spanish | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | Korean

First Public Meeting of the Sunnyside Yard Master Planning Process - 10/24/18

Meeting Summary - English | Spanish | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | Korean

Learn More

Contact: [email protected]

For more information about the project, please email the NYCEDC project team.