79th Street Boat Basin
The 79th Street Boat Basin is a marina located in the Hudson River, on the Upper West Side of New York City. The boat basin is one of a few publicly owned and operated marinas within New York City and is the City’s most heavily subscribed marina. This project is a partnership between NYCEDC and the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, and will include:
- Demolition of the existing structures within the marina
- Dredging to deepen the boat basin
- Reconstruction of the marina including docks and perimeter protection systems
- Relocation and reconstruction of the dockhouse
The purpose of the project is to address damage that was sustained during tidal surges and rip currents associated with Superstorm Sandy and improve the resiliency of the marina and dockhouse to climate-adjusted future flooding and coastal storms. There is also a need to improve the safety and security of the marina, including utility upgrades to bring them up to current codes, protecting the mooring locations, and making the marina fully ADA-compliant. The dockhouse does not meet current safety code requirements or needs of the marina based on existing use.
When complete, the project will create new opportunities for boaters and the community of the Upper West Side by:
- Construction of a partial depth fixed debris screen to the south
- Dredging of the basin to improve vessel mobility and operations throughout the marina
- Relocation, reconstruction, and elevation of the dockhouse
- Construction of new fixed piers with partial depth wave screens
- Extension of the existing pier at A-Dock to the pierhead line
- Replacement of the existing timber docks and timber guide piles with more resilient concrete docks and steel guide piles
- Extension of the marina into the existing mooring field with additional floating docks to locate some of these moorings inside the protected basin
Project Overview
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