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Contact Us

Questions, comments, or partnership opportunities? We want to hear from you.

Select a subject in the drop-down list and complete the form so that we can direct your communication to the right department at NYCEDC.

For general inquiries, please call 212.619.5000.

Neighborhood-based retail and small businesses: Contact our SBS solutions center for one-on-one support.

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Freedom of Information Law (Foil) Requests

NYCEDC, NYCIDA, and Build NYC are subject to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Requests for the production of documents under FOIL must be sent by mail or email to:

Records Access Officer 
New York City Economic Development Corporation 
One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 14th Floor - Mailroom
New York, NY 10006

Documents produced in response to FOIL requests are generally made available for inspection and copying at the offices of NYCEDC during normal business hours. Appeals of FOIL determinations should be directed to:

Judy Fensterman, Esq.
FOIL Appeals Officer 
New York City Economic Development Corporation 
One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 14th Floor - Mailroom
New York, NY 10006

More information on FOIL may be found on the website of the Committee on Open Government at

NYC Department of Investigation 

The New York City Department of Investigation (DOI) is one of the oldest law-enforcement agencies in the country and an international leader in the effort to combat corruption in public institutions. To report fraud, waste or serious mismanagement, please call the NYC Department of Investigation at 212.825.5904. 

If you are a small business owner looking to start, grow, and expand your business, please visit the New York City Business Solutions website.